March 27, 2015 / by attila / In events

65 Millions d'Observateurs

The 65 Millions d’Observateurs is a new initiative in France with more than 100 participating partners to raise awareness of and facilitate citizen science activities. It is lead by the National Museum of Natural History in Paris. The project is organized around four major programs:

  • Vigie-Nature - focusing on the studying the future of biodiversity
  • Vigie-Nature École - focusing on schools, and providing them with materials in citizen science
  • Vigie-Mer - citizen science efforts focusing on marine life
  • Vigie-Ciel - targeting amateur astronomers involved in meteorite hunting

The launch of the project was held at the Grand Amphitheatre of the Museum and the Minister of Ecology, Ségolène Royal personaly held an opening speech at the event. We were proud to be invited to the project and hope that we can contribute to this 4 year effort to facilitate citizen science in France.